The Investment Attraction Project was undertaken by MITEZ to develop a Strategic Marketing Plan to Attract Investment to North West Queensland.

The aim of the project was to identify the most effective steps for identifying and attracting major investors with the six local governments, Mount Isa, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Richmond, Flinders and Charters Towers each identifying a Priority Investment Opportunity to be promoted.

Funded by the Queensland Government Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and MITEZ a full re-branding exercise was undertaken including a fresh new MITEZ logo and Investment Brochures and promotional materials were published; launched in May 2014.

Follow the links below to view a snapshot of investment opportunities supported by our local government councils:

MITEZ welcomes investors to contact us for further information about investment opportunities in our region of North and North West Queensland (Contact Us).

Glen Graham CEO: E  P +61 7 4743 3488